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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's Barry

And here it is folks! White House.gov is still on line! It looks like Barry has moved in!

photo host site


Dyxie Dymond said...

Vacation in Martha's Vineyard during Crisis in our Nation caused by ?

Interesting platform for change that America perceived to be different than events thus far...

It is about All Americans...the Platform that speaks for We The People...

Do We The People have an opinion? Seems we should talk about it...

Find resolution leading to reasonable and sound solutions.

"No peaceful resolution is found in argumentive articulation"
~~Charles Cecil Emmett Dent~~

Dyxie Dymond*ldbg
Fort Morgan Alabama

Dyxie Dymond said...

We The People Are Speaking Out across the Nation on all Changes. This is an insult to every American from my humble opinion.

Laws passed against our Children having the RIGHT to Prayer in our schools...regardless of denomination...

To This????

Does China really own us?
Is every Country simply a Corporation today?
Negoitiating "WE THE PEOPLE" in Every Nation from a FEW Perspectives?

Yes, this is most disturbing.
The entire mess that is incubating is disturbing.

Folks need to remain keen...in All Nations.

My Nation is America. Born and Raised in Alabama and proud of it.

Perhaps if folks would get off their high horses and examine reality within their own circumstances...The Truth will shine through and answer all questions each may have dancing as shadows within their minds.

This is Not The Change Americans voted for...if they truly voted under a fair and legitimate electorial system.
No accusations being made, just simply the thought of ONE.
Is interesting to hear it from many others however.

This is bold expression from one American. Could be right...could be wrong...who can debate MY Perception unless they are me?

Unite America...This too shall pass...